A reality check with Mary Ann Sieghart
In this episode, the role history and social conditioning plays in speaking up is explored.
Mary Ann hears that when women do speak, they are often spoken over, regardless of their status. But why?
Mary Ann Sieghart has published a book titled "The Authority Gap" that she discusses in this podcast episode:
Mary Ann Sieghart can be heard in these podcast episodes collection
Interviewees participating in the first podcast episode (Speak up) mentioned here are:
Deborah Cameron, Professor of Language and Communication Oxford University @wordspinster
Chris Karpowitz, Professor of Political Science Brigham Young University
David Sadker, Prof Emeritus at The American University
Linda Carli, Senior Lecturer Emerita in Psychology Wellesley College
Ioana Latu, Senior lecturer in Psychology Queens University Belfast @IoanaLatu
Patricia Seabright, Speaking coach and author