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This is a blog about being human and about sharing our human voices, without full score, chaotically, as they come.


It's multilingual, because it's much more fun. And hearing a different meaning of the same word in a different language or even discovering new words, broadens the spectrum and widens the view. Some words come just in one language, it's nice to adopt them.


The blog is also about sharing the stuff we like, the stuff we don't like and maybe even trying to understand why. 


The blog structure was also inspired by Harriet Lerner's book, The Dance of Connection, where she writes:



We have so many different voices and places within that we can speak from.

The challenge is to know our full range so we don't get stuck in a narrow,

habitual form of self-espression that isn't serving us.


We obviously speak differently to different people and to the same person

at different times.


Different people evoke different parts of ourselves. We all need connections

with people who make our voice larger.



The multilingual contributions in this blog come from earthlings who believe in kindness, humor, friendship, arts, love, stumbling, getting up, trying, failing, failing again and sipping chinotto while enjoying enjoyable moments.

Chi sono: Chi sono

©2020-2024 Oaive

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